There are certainly uses for Wikis at Sunshine Coast Libraries. Our monthly glossy publication 'Great Reads' consumes a lot of resources & staff effort. Instead of readers emailing us their reviews for editing & printing, a Wiki similar to Princeton Public Library's Book Lovers Wiki might appeal to many.
As an adjunct to the computer lessons we currently offer at Sunshine Coast Libraries, we could have a Wiki which allows customers to extend their knowledge (& help each other), similar to SLQ's Emerging media and new technology sessions.
Meredith Farkas' Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki has a vast amount of information about technology in libraries, and could save us a lot of research time, when considering the implementation of new services. Section 3.8, 'Reference Services and Information Literacy', has some great clues about online tutorials. There is sooooo much information available on this wiki......... it's well worth a look. (I'm wondering why the font in this last paragraph here is 'red', and why I don't seem to be able to fix it. Obviously still a lot to learn.)
As an adjunct to the computer lessons we currently offer at Sunshine Coast Libraries, we could have a Wiki which allows customers to extend their knowledge (& help each other), similar to SLQ's Emerging media and new technology sessions.
Meredith Farkas' Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki has a vast amount of information about technology in libraries, and could save us a lot of research time, when considering the implementation of new services. Section 3.8, 'Reference Services and Information Literacy', has some great clues about online tutorials. There is sooooo much information available on this wiki......... it's well worth a look. (I'm wondering why the font in this last paragraph here is 'red', and why I don't seem to be able to fix it. Obviously still a lot to learn.)